New Zealand NES IG
1.4.8 - Release

New Zealand NES IG - Local Development build (v1.4.8) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Entitlement Compliance Testing

Get and Search Entitlement testing

NES GET Entitlement tests

Reference Purpose – Demonstrate that the Input values Expected outcome Mandatory
application displays csc entitlement information correctly:
  • Identifier (card number)
  • Type
  • NHI number
  • Period
20018179 Output: CSC entitlement information is displayed for the patient Mandatory if applicable
application displays csc-dep entitlement information correctly:
  • Identifier (card number)
  • Type
  • Relationship
  • NHI number
  • Period
20018181 Output:
  • CSC entitlement information is displayed for the patient
  • Clearly shows card as CSC dependent
Mandatory if applicable
application displays HUHC entitlement information correctly:
  • Identifier (card number)
  • Type
  • NHI number
  • Period
305454455 Output: HUHC entitlement information is displayed for the patient Mandatory if applicable
application displays PSC entitlement information correctly:
  • Identifier (card number)
  • Type
  • NHI number
  • Period
XXXXXX Output: PSC entitlement information is displayed for the patient Mandatory if applicable

NES Search Entitlement tests

Reference Purpose – Demonstrate that the Input values Expected outcome Mandatory
application displays entitlement information correctly:
  • Entitlement id
  • Identifier (card number)
  • Type
  • NHI number
  • Period
ZKZ6088 Output:
  • All entitlement information is displayed for the patient
  • Patient should have an active CSC entitlement
  • Expiry: 2025-11-02
Mandatory if applicable
application displays entitlement information correctly:
  • Entitlement id
  • Identifier (card number)
  • Type
  • NHI number
  • Period
ZKZ6096 Output:
  • All entitlement information is displayed for the patient
  • Patient should have an active CSC dependent entitlement
  • Expiry: 2025-11-02
Mandatory if applicable
application displays entitlement information correctly:
  • Entitlement id
  • Identifier (card number)
  • Type
  • NHI number
  • Period
ZGE7630 Output:
  • All entitlement information is displayed for the patient
  • Patient should have an active HUHC entitlement
  • Expiry: 2024-12-30
Mandatory if applicable
application displays entitlement information correctly:
  • Entitlement id
  • Identifier (card number)
  • Type
  • NHI number
  • Period
ZJV2957 Output:
  • All entitlement information is displayed for the patient
  • Patient should have active CSC and HUHC entitlements
  • Expiry: HUHC 2024-12-30
  • Expiry: CSC 2025-11-02
Mandatory if applicable
application displays entitlement information correctly:
  • Entitlement id
  • Identifier (card number)
  • Type
  • NHI number
  • Period
ZJV2965 Output:
  • All entitlement information is displayed for the patient
  • Patient should have active CSC and HUHC and PSC entitlements
  • Expiry: HUHC 2024-12-30
  • Expiry: CSC 2025-11-02
  • Expiry: PSC 2025-02-01
Mandatory if applicable
application displays entitlement information correctly:
  • Entitlement id
  • Identifier (card number)
  • Type
  • NHI number
  • Period
ZLW0398 Output:
  • All entitlement information is displayed for the patient
  • Patient should have an active PSC entitlement
  • Expiry: PSC 2025-02-01
Mandatory if applicable
application displays entitlement information correctly:
  • Entitlement id
  • Identifier (card number)
  • Type
  • NHI number
  • Period
  • All entitlement information is displayed for the patient
  • Patient should have multiple active PSC entitlements
  • All expire: PSC 2025-02-01
Mandatory if applicable

CSC Create and Update Testing

NES Create CSC Entitlement tests

Reference Purpose – Demonstrate that the Input values Expected outcome Mandatory
Entitlement-Create-CSC-1 application can create a CSC entitlement when no CSC entitlement is returned from the entitlement service, however a person presents with a CSC card Use NHI (greater than 18) as provided Use a CSC card number provided Output: CSC entitlement is created and returned via the Entitlement service Mandatory if applicable
Entitlement-Create-CSC-2 application can create a CSC dependent entitlement when no CSC dependent entitlement is returned from the entitlement service, however a person presents as a dependent child of an adult with a CSC card Use NHI (less than 18) as provided Use same CSC card number as Entitlement Create 1 Output: CSC dependent entitlement is created and returned via the Entitlement service Mandatory if applicable
application can display the correct error when attempting to create a CSC entitlement that already exists Use NHI (less than 18) as provided Use same CSC card number as Entitlement-Create-1 Output: EM12002 - The patient cannot have more than one CSC Entitlement active at the same time Mandatory if applicable
More than one type
application can display the correct error when attempting to create:
  • a CSC entitlement for a person with a CSC dependent entitlement
  • a CSC dependent entitlement for a person with a CSC entitlement
  • Try to create a 'CSC dependent entitlenment' for the NHI used in Entitlement-Create-1
  • Try to create a CSC entitlementfor the NHI used in Entitlement-Create-2
Output: EM12001 - The patient cannot have both CSC and CSC Dependent Entitlements active at the same time Mandatory if applicable
Invalid NHI
application can display the correct error when attempting to create a CSC entitlement for an invalid NHI Use NHI ZZZ000 and a CSC number provided Output: EM02002 - NHI number supplied cannot be found Mandatory if applicable
Invalid NHI
application can display the correct error when attempting to create a CSC entitlement with a card number that is already is use Use an NHI provided, Reuse card number from Entitlement-Create-1 Output: EM12003 - The CSC Entitlement is already assigned to another patient Mandatory if applicable
Card does not exist
application can display the correct error when attempting to create a CSC entitlement with a card number that does not exist Use an NHI provided and, CSC number: 0123 Output: EM12006 - The CSC Card Number must be known to MoH Mandatory if applicable
Card not active
application can display the correct error when attempting to create a CSC entitlement with a card number that is not active Use an NHI provided and CSC number 0000000349650267 Output: EM12011 - CSC Card number is not Active Mandatory if applicable
CSC dependent to old
application can display the correct error when attempting to create a CSC dep entitlement with a person who is older than 18. Use an NHI provided, CSC number as provided Output: Output: EM12016 - The patient is not a valid age to be a CSC Dependent Mandatory if applicable

NES Update CSC Entitlement tests

Reference Purpose – Demonstrate that the Input values Expected outcome Mandatory
Update CSC
application can update a CSC entitlement when the CSC entitlement returned from the entitlement service is different from that provided by a person presenting with a CSC card Use NHI from Entitlement-Create-1, CSC card number as provided Output: CSC entitlement is created and returned via the Entitlement service Mandatory if applicable
Update CSC dependent
application can update a CSC dep entitlement when the CSC dep entitlement returned from the entitlement service is different from that provided by a person presenting with a CSC card Use NHI from Entitlement-Create-2, Same CSC card number as Entitlement-Update-1 Output: CSC dependent entitlement is created and returned via the Entitlement service Mandatory if applicable
application can display the correct error when attempting to update a CSC entitlement with details that already exist Try to update a CSC entitlement with the same details in Entitlement-Update-1 and Entitlement-Update-2 (Duplicate the above to force the error). Output: EM12002 - The patient cannot have more than one CSC Entitlement active at the same time Mandatory if applicable
Card already used
application can display the correct error when attempting to update a CSC entitlement with a card number that is already in used. Use new NHI number and card number from Entitlement-Update-1 Output: EM12003 - The CSC Entitlement is already assigned to another patient Mandatory if applicable
application can update a CSC entitlement to end it when it has been created/updated in error. Use NHI from Entitlement-Update-1 Output: CSC entitlement is ended with end reason 'entered in error' Mandatory if applicable
CSC-dep End
application can update a CSC dep entitlement to end it when it has been created/updated in error. Use NHI from Entitlement-Update-2 Output: CSC entitlement is ended with end reason 'entered in error' Mandatory if applicable

PSC Create and Update Testing

Note: This testing includes the NES Entitlement Create and Update use cases and the Medication Dispense (PSC Count) API. For more information see the Search copayment count use case in the Medical Warnings FHIR implementation guide.

NES PSC Create, Update and PSC Count

Scenario Reference Purpose – Demonstrate that the Input values Expected outcome Mandatory
Scenario-1 Individual – No action required application can check the entitlements for an individual (not entitled) and, can then check the PSC count for the individual and display the count (less than 20). Use NHI TBC Output:
  • No entitlements found
  • Has not reached count
  • No further action required
Scenario-2 Individual – Needs PSC card application can check the entitlement’s for an individual (not entitled) and can then check the PSC count for the individual and display the count (20). Needs New PSC entitlement created Use NHI TBC Output:
  • No entitlements found
  • Has reached the correct count
  • PSC entitlement created for the individual and entitlement information displayed in the PMS
Scenario-3 Individual - Has a PSC entitlement application can check the entitlement for an individual and display the entitlement information Use NHI TBC Output:
  • Entitlements displayed correctly
Scenario-4 Family unit – No action required application can check the entitlement’s for a family unit (not entitled) and can then check the PSC count for the family unit and display the count (less than 20) Use NHI TBC Output:
  • No entitlements found
  • Has not reached count
  • No further action required
Scenario-5 Family unit – Check family unit member entitlement (not entitled), check family unit count (eligible) create and extent entitlement to family unit member/s application can check the entitlement’s for a family unit (not entitled), can then check the PSC count for the family unit and display the count (20), and the create a new PSC entitlement for all members of the family unit Use NHI TBC Output:
  • No entitlements
  • Has reached count
  • PSC entitlement created for each member of the family with the same PSC card number, and entitlement information displayed.
Scenario-6 Individual – End entitlement application can end an entitlement for an individual where it has been entered in error Use NHI TBC Output:
  • Entitlement removed and not returned from the entitlement service
Scenario-7 Family Unit – End entitlement application can end an entitlement for a family unit where it has been entered in error Use NHI TBC Output:
  • Entitlements for family unit removed and not returned from the entitlement service
Scenario-8 Individual - Exceeds 12 concurrent entitlements application can assign up to 12 PSC entitlements to a family unit member, where that person is part of multiple family units Use NHI TBC Output:
  • Individual has multiple PSC entitlements associated with their NHI
Scenario-9 Individual - Exceeds 12 concurrent entitlements application can display the correct error when attempting to add a PSC entitlement for a family unit member that has 12 entitlements Use NHI TBC Output:
  • Error returned: EM12002 - The patient cannot have more than twelve active PSC Entitlements
Scenario-10 Family Unit - Search exceeds maximum number of NHIs application can display the correct error when attempting to return a count for a family unit with greater that 20 members Use NHI TBC Output:
  • Error returned: EM7243 - Max of 20 NHIs may be provided
Scenario-11 Individual - Create entitlement for deceased person application can display the correct error when attempting to create a a PSC entitlement for a deceased person Use NHI TBC Output:
  • Error returned: EM12022 - Cannot create or update entitlement for deceased person
Scenario-12 Individual - Update entitlement for deceased person application can display the correct error when attempting to create a a PSC entitlement for a deceased person Use NHI TBC Output:
  • Error returned: EM12022 - Cannot create or update entitlement for deceased person
Scenario-13 Individual - Create entitlement for a future start date application can display the correct error when attempting to create a PSC entitlement for a future date (period start) Use NHI TBC Output:
  • Error returned: EM07212 - Start date cannot be a future date
Scenario-14 Individual - Update entitlement for a future start date application can display the correct error when attempting to update a PSC entitlement for a future date (period start) Use NHI TBC Output:
  • Error returned: EM07212 - Start date cannot be a future date
Scenario-15 Family Unit - Extend (create) expired PSC entitlement to additional family unit members application can display the correct error when attempting to extend a PSC entitlement to family unit members with an expired entitlement number Use NHI TBC Output:
  • Error returned: EM12006 - The PSC Card Number must be known to Te Whatu Ora
Scenario-16 Family Unit - Extend (create) PSC entitlement to additional family unit members application can display the correct error when attempting to extend a PSC entitlement to family unit members with an unassigned entitlement number Use NHI TBC Output:
  • Error returned: EM12006 - The PSC Card Number must be known to Te Whatu Ora
Scenario-17 Individual - Update expired PSC entitlement application can display the correct error when attempting to update an expired PSC entitlement Use NHI TBC Output:
  • Error Returned: EM12028 - The requested entitlement is not active
Scenario-18 Individual - Update entitlement number for an NHI application can update and replace valid entitlement number registered to an NHI (assumes that the updated entitlement number is valid and active) Use NHI TBC Output:
  • Entitlement record is changed with updated entitlement card number
Scenario-19 Individual - Update invalid entitlement for an NHI application can display the correct error when attempting to update an entitlement number for an NHI with a value that is invalid (does not exist) Use NHI TBC Output:
  • Error Returned: EM12020 - entitlement-id supplied cannot be found
Scenario-20 Individual - create entitlement, invalid NHI application can display the correct error when attempting to create an entitlement number for an invalid NHI (does not exist) Use NHI TBC Output:
  • Error returned: EM02002 - NHI number supplied cannot be found
Scenario-21 Individual - Create entitlement with invalid patient details application can display the correct error when attempting to create an entitlement number for a valid NHI but with mismatched patient information e.g. DoB Use NHI TBC Output:
  • EM02008 -The patient identity information supplied does not match the patient identity information in the NHI.
Scenario-22 Individual - Update entitlement with invalid patient details application can display the correct error when attempting to update an entitlement number for a valid NHI but with mismatched patient information e.g. DoB Use NHI TBC Output:
  • EM02008 -The patient identity information supplied does not match the patient identity information in the NHI.