New Zealand NES IG
1.4.6 - Release

New Zealand NES IG - Local Development build (v1.4.6) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Search Enrolment

Get Enrolments for Patient

This is typically used to get all enrolments for a patient. It may optionally be further restricted to enrolments of a specific type and/or enrolments having a particular status

Search Enrolments for patientFHIR ClientFHIR ClientNESNESEEEEEEGET[base]/EpisodeOfCare?patient=ZAA0792ValidatequeryNESEnrolment Response

Get Enrolment for Patient processing steps:

  1. A FHIR Client sends a GET request to the NES EpisodeOfCare endpoint with the 'patient' query parameter specifying the patient's NHI number
  2. The request is validated - ALT: Validation failure. Operation Outcome resource returned
  3. Enrolments for this NHI are retrieved from the NES database
  4. A bundle of NESEnrolments is returned to the client

Search Enrolment Response Example


Business Rules

  1. An Enrolment search request must include a valid nhi-id

Search Enrolments for Patient

This is typically used to find all enrolments for a patient filtered by type or status.

Enrolment SearchFHIR ClientFHIR ClientNESNESEEEEEEGET[base]/EpisodeOfCare?patient=ZAA0792&status=active&type=FLSValidatequeryNESEnrolment BundleResponse

Search Enrolments for Patient filtered by type and status

  1. A FHIR Client sends a GET request to the NES $EpisodeOfCare endpoint with the 'patient' query parameter specifying the patient's NHI number, the type = "FLS" and the status = "active"
  2. The request is validated - ALT: Validation failure. Operation Outcome resource returned
  3. Active FLS Enrolments for this NHI meeting the search criteria are retrieved from the NES database
  4. A bundle of NESEnrolments is returned to the client